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  • Find And Speak To Udalryk
  • Question People About Cerys (Optional)
  • Find Cerys And Explore The Haunted House
  • Identify Brokvar On Aki'southward Remains
  • Decide How To Deal With The Hym
  • Finishing The Quest

At the end of The Witcher iii's The King Is Dead - Long Live The King quest, Crach an Craite asks you to assist his children. Both of them have gone on their separate adventures, and neither has returned. In the example of Cerys, she went to help Jarl Udalryk, who's allegedly dealing with a curse.

Your job is to detect her and bring her domicile. Naturally, it turns out to be more than than just a collection job, and y'all detect yourself as well lending the Jarl a hand. The whole ordeal is known every bit the Possession quest. Here is everything you lot need to know to complete all of its objectives.

Notice And Speak To Udalryk

The Witcher 3 Split Image Jarl And Map Location

Start by traveling to the isle of Spikeroog, which is in the northwest corner of the Skellige map. One time in that location, you must locate Udalryk in the south of Svorlag. When yous discover him, he volition be in deep conversation with a man named Hjort.

The Jarl leaves non long after you make it, then you must straight your questions to Hjort. During the discussion, y'all accept the choice of asking about Cerys' location or the Jarl's well-being. If you select the latter, you get an additional objective to ask locals most Cerys.

Question People About Cerys (Optional)

The Witcher 3 Split Image Svorlag Locals

If you need to observe out more information about Cerys, caput north from the Jarl's identify to find a woman sweeping and question her. She points you in the management of Bergthora and Eiric.

Before visiting their firm, you can speak with a man just up the street who'southward sat down in a chair. Withal, he doesn't provide you with much information.

Therefore, head farther north to find Bergthora outside working. She tells yous that Cerys went to speak with her man Eiric on a beach nearby. To get there, head n through the forest.

The Witcher 3 Screenshot Of Eiric

At the location, you will detect Drowners tormenting poor Eiric. You must kill the beasts to aid him. Once he's condom, you lot tin talk to him about Cerys. After some back-and-forth, he will reveal that she's at Udalryk'due south quondam family domicile.

Find Cerys And Explore The Haunted Firm

The Witcher 3 Screenshot Of Cerys Knocked Out

The house you're looking for is northwest of the village, nearly the mountain area. Enter the place and use your Witcher senses to observe some footprints. Follow the tracks to an unconscious Cerys, which triggers a cutscene.

The Witcher 3 Screenshot Of Cerys

Once they're out of the baroque house, Geralt and Cerys talk for a while. The latter tells a story from Udalryk'due south past. It turns out the Jarl'south begetter gave the clan's sword to his younger son instead of Udalryk. This led to a series of events that ended with the Jarl's blood brother Aki mysteriously drowning on a fishing trip.

As a result, Cerys believes Udalryk is at present existence haunted past his brother's ghost. Her theory is that if they put Brokvar (the clan'due south sword) on Aki's remains, the spirit will end tormenting Udalryk. Geralt isn't confident the plan will work, but he's willing to try.

The first stride is collecting Brokvar from the firm where you plant Cerys - you can really pick it upward earlier finding Cerys if yous please.

The Witcher 3 Screenshot Of Cerys Key To Cellar

Inside the business firm, y'all may notice there are 2 rooms separate from the chief area. Head inside the one closest to the chief entrance to notice the key to the cellar.

The Witcher 3 Screenshot Of Sword On Table

So go to the northern corner of the principal area to locate the locked trap door. Every bit you lot tin can guess, this is the door to the cellar. Therefore, open up information technology upwardly and climb down. On the correct side of the dark basement is a table with the sword on superlative of it. Selection the weapon up and leave the creepy business firm.

Place Brokvar On Aki's Remains

The Witcher 3 Screenshot Of Jarl Explaining Brother's Resting Place

Return to Cerys and tell her you found the sword. At present the two of you lot can travel back to see Udalryk. During the conversation with the Jarl, he volition tell you where Aki drowned. The spot is a little east of where the Jarl is currently staying. Travel in that location and swoop under the water.

The Witcher 3 Screenshot Of Geralt Finding Sword

There are several dangerous creatures in the surface area, just you lot can take them out swiftly with a crossbow. When the declension is clear, use Witcher senses to find Aki's remains and place the sword. Then return to Udalryk.

Upon reconvening with the Jarl, you lot volition observe that he's but poked out his ain center. It turns out the voices he's hearing commanded him to practise information technology. After request him a few questions, Geralt talks to Cerys in individual.

The Witcher 3 Screenshot Of Cerys Conversation About Hym

The Witcher tells her that the being tormenting the Jarl isn't Aki's ghost - it's a rare fauna chosen a Hym. The scary animate being attaches itself to people who commit vile deeds and feeds on their guilty conscience.

Decide How To Deal With The Hym

The Witcher 3 Screenshot Of Cerys has a plan

Equally Geralt explains to Cerys, there are two ways to become rid of the Hym:

  • The Witcher Way - Spend a dark with the affected private in the Hym's lair. This will describe the animal out, allowing Geralt to impale information technology.
  • Trick It - Someone tin pretend to do something horrible, which will convince the Hym to infect them instead. When it realizes it'south been tricked, it has to leave.

Cerys prefers the method of tricking the creature. So, the two of yous render to the sometime house to try to find inspiration for a plan. Walk around the edifice using your Witcher senses and examine anything with a red glow. After a while, Cerys wants you to run into her outside every bit she's got a plan. She asks you to trust her, and your response dictates how the rest of the quest plays out.

Outsmart The Hym (Trust Cerys)

Witcher 3 Screenshot Of Geralt Putting Baby In Oven

If y'all cull to trust Cerys, she tells you to await for her at the firm. Then after a time skip, she returns with a infant in her arms and people chasing her. She hands you the child and tells y'all to put it in the oven. You take the pick to follow her club or give the baby back.

If you select the sometime, Geralt throws the child in the furnace. You then have to fight a few of the Jarl's warriors equally he breaks downwardly at the loss of the kid. The Hym leaves him and attaches itself to Geralt. However, Hjort appears with the baby, who'due south alive and well. Realizing it has been tricked, the Hym is forced to get out.

Alternatively, if you refuse to throw the baby in the oven, you lot must go with your backup program of fighting the Hym. And it plays out much the aforementioned way every bit it would if you didn't trust Cerys earlier.

Fight The Hym (Don't Trust Cerys)

The Witcher 3 Screenshot Of Jarl Talking About The Hym

If you lot don't trust Cerys, the only option you take is to handle the state of affairs the Witcher Way. The commencement step is to get to Udalryk and tell him near the Hym. Next, return to the house and place torches in the surface area you enter. The game marks all of their locations.

Now is a expert time to prepare for battle. If possible, equipping Specter Oil and Moon Grit bombs is a skilful idea as they are the Hym's weaknesses. One time you're set, talk to the Jarl outside the firm.

Later on the conversation, light the torches you placed to brand the Hym announced. A combination of sword strikes, Moon Dust bombs, and Igni will harm the creature. Sometimes you will have to utilise Axii on the Jarl to calm him down. When y'all've dealt enough damage, the Hym retreats to the Cellar. Follow him down there and finish him off.

Finishing The Quest

The Witcher 3 Screenshot Of One Eye Jarl

Whatsoever method you used to beat the monster, you have i last conversation with the Jarl. When that'due south over, then is the quest.

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