You Are Too Funny Are People Serious


April 21, 2011 1:24am CST

May be some people's mistakes are really funny, may be those stupidity in them when comes out makes them funny. At times if some gets serious of it would be better to be careful. Any how there are funny people in this world capable of making serious people to funny. At times mix of both would be better. Be funny where it suits and serious where it suits. One should be able to choose the right place to be funny. I hope choosing the right place and time would be a serious problem. I love funny than serious. Some looks funny, some behaves funny……

21 responses

• Philippines

22 Apr 11

Mix of both. Too much humor or seriousness can sometimes be annoying. I admire people who can balance humor and seriousness. They turned out to be the most friendly person. Its fun to have them as friends. You can confide for their opinions or make you laugh when your down.

• United States

23 Apr 11

I agree an even balance is the best.

• India

21 Apr 11

I would prefer both the qualities in a person. Not all times you could be funny and neither you could be serious all along. So a person with both the traits could adjust better to situations, as far as i understand.

• India

22 Apr 11

Both is needed but applying it in the proper place is more needed

• India

21 Apr 11

I like them who are able to make others laugh with fantastic jokes but with a serious face. Okay, i guess that makes them funny ones. But i like the ones who joke with a serious face, if you know what i mean. hehe. I guess such people are a mix of both serious and joking nature.

• India

22 Apr 11

Mix of both with serious jokes that makes one laugh that would be really big laughter.

• India

21 Apr 11

Ohhhh friend funny person is not stupid I am also a funny because i think now in busy life no one has time for laughing so if people are laughing due to me then I am proud of myself because I am person from which busy people can laugh. I hate serious person because on their face everytime show tension. Yes I also love funny person.

• India

22 Apr 11

It is not funny persons are stupid, but at times some stupidity turns to be funny. Moreover I feel serious persons mostly become serious as they gets serious approaches from most places.

• Canada

21 Apr 11

i love people who are funny and think of something funny on the fly but of course there are times that you have to be serious too.

• India

22 Apr 11

May be to use the right places where it is to be used.

21 Apr 11

Hmmmm.. I think I would have a mix of both. Serious is good because it gets things done but it should be balanced with funny so as to be able to relieve all the stress from being too serious.

• India

22 Apr 11

Mix of both is better I also believe so.

• India

21 Apr 11

i am the person who likes all so even if the person os funny or serious makes a no difference. but yess it is very true that a funnyperson makes a difference in the lives of those who are not that much interested in their lives and are very much deperessed.

• India

22 Apr 11

I like those fun that do not hurt others.

• Bacau, Romania

21 Apr 11

I usually like people who are both funny and serious and who know when it's time to joke and when it's time to be serious.Sometimes I envy people who are easy going and seem to make jokes all the time because they don't take life seriously and they're probably less stressed than the others,which means they will probably live longer,but I couldn't stand living with a person who makes fun of everything,sometimes being too funny can be ridiculous.I also dislike people who are too serious because I think they sometimes forget that life is short and we should enjoy it as much as we can.

• India

22 Apr 11

Fun at times releases stress and tensions.

• South Africa

21 Apr 11

I agree with "edsss17 (460)"

• India

22 Apr 11

That is nice it may suit you too.

• Bahamas

21 Apr 11

I think it depends, but I usually lean towards a mixed person. Having a good sense of humour is all well and good; but I have a problem when I am trying to be serious and you are constanly playing around. That is the problem I have with this girl I am currently talking to.

• India

22 Apr 11

Mixed person would be better.

• Philippines

21 Apr 11

I prefer both. I love guys who are funny sometimes and serious too. Guys like that are nice to be with. They are the type of guy wherein I won't get bored with it. I know someone who is like that. I like him that much.

• India

22 Apr 11

May be it is better to use both of it

• Philippines

21 Apr 11

laughter is the best medicine, so i would rather be funny or hang around with funny people... seriously though being funny releases some stress and makes us feel good inside. When serious people become funny, then that's seriously funny, but when funny people becomes serious, then that's funny seriously... lol!

• India

22 Apr 11

May be everyone love to laugh.

• Philippines

21 Apr 11

I like the mixed one! Because if you have problem, she/he can release his/her funny side! And vice versa! :)

• India

22 Apr 11

laughing is better liked by most.

• Indonesia

21 Apr 11

i like funny person than serious person,i think funny person cane get more friends than serious person,can break the ice of situation,makes surroundings feel happy,so ilove the funny person

• India

21 Apr 11

Fun is something related to laugh we all like to laugh, but I feel at life is to taken serious too.

• Indonesia

21 Apr 11

I'm the serious type of girl because I had hard and shuck life. But If I could choose, I want to be the funny one because the funny people can make a day become brighter and easy. We'll have more friend and not to think seiously. If I could choose, I want to change my character and my world around. Every serious person have hard life because they are too much to think & not easy to get friend. However, the funny person must smart to see the situation, funny doesnt mean to hurt the others, right?

• India

21 Apr 11

I feel it will be better to be with those we are much comfortable.

• Philippines

21 Apr 11

I like the mixed one. At least they have something a bit of both. It also depends on the background of the person. If he/she is living with a strict family, most of them would become the serious type. If the whole family enjoys each others company, then they'll be out there making loads of jokes and fun stuff.

• India

21 Apr 11

Yes that is right, those serious I had seen are mostly from strict family. Thank you for this valuable responds.

• Philippines

26 Apr 11

I really like to be with funny people who can make me laugh at the same time be serious people when the need to be one arises. I remember I have a college friend with whom I really shared a good laugh. We just have to look at each other and start laughing at each other with no words exchanged. We really are insane when we are together. I kind of miss her though; I haven't seen her in years.

• United States

23 Apr 11

I think both can be ok as long as they dont overdo it.AN example of this are people who take serious matters as a joke and people who are so serious they cant enjoy life.

22 Apr 11

Hello Sham, I like mix kind of personality when it can be funny when something is funny and can be spoken seriously when something serious.There were people who seems so funny and can't even take matters seriously and I don't have much confidence on them. There were kind also that so serious which does not suit in some kind of situation. So if given a choice I like mix personality and often can share both funny and serious matters. Nice post friend..Have a nice day!

• Mexico

21 Apr 11

Hi shamrack: I am usually the serios person on a relationship so I need someone that makes me smile. If I date a person that is serious too it will be a really boring relationship so I prefer to be with the persons that make me smile. I am not usually making jokes so if I am close to a funny person I start smiling and making jokes too. A funny person is a goo complement to me. ALVARO


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